toddler skin care

Top Summer Toddler Skin Care Problems In Babies

Due to the thin and delicate nature of a baby’s toddler skin care, it is easily burned by the sun. From personal experience, you probably know how painful that can be. One bad sunburn in childhood doubles the risk of malignant melanoma, the most deadly kind of toddler skin care cancer, later in life. There is no wonder why sunscreen has become synonymous with summer toddler skin care.

Baby And Toddler Skin Care Sunburn

What to do:
For 10 to 15 minutes, three or four times a day, gently apply a cold, wet washcloth to baby’s skin until the redness subsides. You can soothe the skin with aloe vera gel (especially in the first couple of days) and then a healing ointment. Sunburns usually make the skin red, warm, and painful. In the event that your child is younger than 1 year old gets a sunburn, you should contact their pediatrician. When a sunburn is severe, meaning it is very red, blistering, feverish, chilling, and painful, call the doctor. With your doctor’s approval, you can also give babies 2 months and older an age-appropriate dose of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Sunburns should not be exposed to the sun for a couple of days after they occur.

There are many things you can do to keep your tot from getting burned during summer. You should stay inside when the sun is at its hottest between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Plan your outdoor play sessions around that time.

Baby And Toddler Skin Care Heat Rash

A common summer skin care problem is heat rash, or prickly heat. Symptoms include tiny red bumps on the face, neck, armpits, and upper torso, and it can make children very cranky. Itchy and uncomfortable, sweat gland bumps are caused by clogged pores that trap perspiration.
Taking a lukewarm bath will soothe your prickly toddler. Powder and lotion can further clog pores, so use a mild soap to wash your face. Generally, the rash will fade within a week, but call the doctor if you see pustules and swelling (that could indicate a yeast or bacterial infection).

Prevent your baby from getting too hot and bothered in the first place. Dress your toddler in loose-fitting, lightweight clothes in hot weather, and cut down on time she spends in a sling or carrier (your body heat plus the lack of ventilation isn’t ideal).

Baby and toddler insect bites

Does your baby suffer from insect bites? Although most insect bites are harmless, your little one may experience itchiness or stings occasionally.

  Here’s how to treat it: 
Soap and water should be used to clean the area. To reduce swelling or pain, apply a cold, wet washcloth. Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone ointment can also be used for itchy bites. An allergic reaction (such as severe pain or swelling, difficulty breathing, hives, or itching all over the body) should be reported to a pediatrician right away.
  Here’s how to prevent it:
 Wear lightweight long-sleeved tops, long pants, a hat and socks to ward off biting bugs for babies younger than 2 months. Use permethrin bug spray to protect clothing from mosquitoes and ticks; the protection should last several washes. Also, cover your baby’s stroller with insect netting and head indoors at dusk when mosquitoes emerge.

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